Monday, July 25, 2011


It's pretty crazy when your 3 year old goes from eating next to nothing, to waking up in the night because he's hungry. At first, I thought it was going to be helpful that he was so hungry from the steroids, because that sure helped me to reach the goal of 1500 calories a day, but it has suddenly become a monster - completely out of control.

Yesterday, I felt like short order cook. I made him a lot of eggs. I'm supposed to be giving him low sodium foods, which is difficult because that's what he's craving. He wants hot dogs, but I can talk him into eggs instead. He has absolutely no desire for anything sweet, so even bananas are out of the picture. Bananas are probably his favorite food. All the snacking would be so much easier if I could give him fruit!

I did go buy some string cheese, granola bars, and graham crackers. We'll see if any of that is of interest to him. Cross your fingers for us!

Last night, Matthew woke up twice to eat. The second time was 4:30 am, and he was ready to be up for the day. I had had 3 very interrupted hours of sleep. He finally consented to go back to bed at 5:45 or so, but it took me a while to get back to sleep, and then he was up again at 8:30. It reminds me of having a newborn. You have to sleep when the baby sleeps.

Speaking of... he's asleep now, so I suppose I should go take a nap.

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